Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Adrian Piper (Erin Saul)

Dr. Adrian Piper is well known for her conceptual and performance based artwork in the 1980’s. Her work brings performance to minimalism as well as issues that she faces as a black woman in America. Dr. Piper has put many dents in the glass ceiling throughout her career including being the first Black woman to be tenured in the field of Philosophy. She focuses her academic exploration in the study of Kant, metaethics, and social ethics.

One of her most well know works is “Cornered”. She addresses the many gender and racial issues while wearing a “school teacher” costume. She asserts herself as a black woman, and she questions why she has been told by society to pass as white. She brings the viewer in close to the screen where her performance is shown, and makes an intimate connection with the viewer. The intimacy makes some uncomfortable, especially as she bitingly addressed the harmful effects of sexism and racism.

She questions social boundaries and her “place” in society in her pieces “My Calling Card #1 and #2”.

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