Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hannah Hansens Reed Collage

Hannah's collage can be found in the photo classroom, if you want to see it in the flesh. There is fabric behind the images, which may not show up particularly well as a blog post. Comments and feedback for Hannah, Tristan, David and Kyle are appreciated.

Prof. Wilson

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think you have a lot of interesting images. I'm not exactly sure how they all tie together, but I like how you arranged them in connected rectangles. I feel like they're almost supposed to be building a city. I wonder if you sepperated them into squares because each one means something different?

    I think I may have to see this in person, the picture on here is a little small. I also just want to say I think it's interesting how largest rectangle kind of stands out from the rest. The others are kind of orderly and neat, but that one has images just kind of everywhere. It also uses drawings, which the others ones don't. That's very interesting.

    -By Amanda DiMartini
